• Electrical Service Upgrade Rebate

    The CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program is offering a $500 rebate for upgrading your electrical service to 100, 200, or 400 amp service for your home when upgrading from a fossil fuel primary space or water heating system to a primary electrical space or water heating system.

  • Air-to-Water Heat Pump Rebate

    Space heating is the largest use of energy in homes. A properly installed heat pump is two to three times more efficient than other alternatives and can provide you with both heating and cooling for today’s cold winters and hot summers. Air-to-water heat pumps use a hydronic distribution system to heat and cool the home…

  • Combined Space and Hot Water Air-to-Water Heat Pump Rebate

    Space heating is the largest use of energy in homes. A properly installed heat pump is two to three times more efficient than other alternatives and can provide you with both heating and cooling for today’s cold winters and hot summers. Air-to-water heat pumps use a hydronic distribution system to heat and cool the home…

  • Ductless Mini-Split or Multi-Split Heat Pump Rebate

    Space heating is the largest use of energy in homes. A properly installed heat pump is two to three times more efficient than other alternatives and can provide you with both heating and cooling for today’s cold winters and hot summers. A ductless mini-split (single-head) and multi-split (multi-head) heat pumps distributes heat and cooling without…

  • Central Ducted Heat Pump Rebate

    Space heating is the largest use of energy in homes. A properly installed heat pump is two to three times more efficient than other alternatives and can provide you with both heating and cooling for today’s cold winters and hot summers. A central ducted heat pump distributes heat and cooling through ductwork connected to vents…

  • FortisBC Heat Pump Service

    The FortisBC Heat Pump Service Program provides a $50 rebate for having your heat pump serviced. Learn more about heat pumps.