Energy Savings Program health and safety rebates
When you complete an Energy Savings Program installation of a heat pump, heat pump water heater, insulation or windows/doors, you might also be eligible for a health and safety rebate. A rebate of up to $800 is available for the removal of pest, asbestos and/or mould issues found during another Energy Savings Program installation.
Suhas Hassain
Energy Savings Program electricity or wood to heat pump rebates
Space heating is the largest use of energy in homes. A properly installed heat pump is two to three times more efficient than other alternatives and can provide you with both heating and cooling for today’s cold winters and hot summers. Based on your household income, the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program covers up…
Suhas Hassain
Energy Savings Program electrical service upgrades
The CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program is offering a rebate for upgrading your home’s electrical service when converting from a fossil fuel (oil, propane or natural gas) primary space or water heating system to a space heating heat pump or hot water heat pump.
Suhas Hassain
Energy Savings Program Heat Pump Rebates
Everyone deserves a healthy, comfortable, and energy-efficient home. Based on your household income, you could receive up to $24,500 to cover the costs of heat pump installation, including electrical upgrades. The Energy Savings Program offers rebates for:
Suhas Hassain
Energy Savings Program Air-to-Water Heat Pump Rebates
Space heating is the largest use of energy in homes. A properly installed heat pump is two to three times more efficient than other alternatives and can provide you with both heating and cooling for today’s cold winters and hot summers. Air-to-water heat pumps use hydronic distribution systems to heat and cool the home with…
Suhas Hassain
Energy Savings Program
Everyone deserves a healthy, comfortable, and energy-efficient home. Based on your household income, the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program (formerly the Income Qualified Program) offers enhanced rebates to make energy-saving home upgrades more affordable. We can help you:
Suhas Hassain
Dual Fuel Ducted Heat Pump Rebate
Space heating is the largest use of energy in homes. A properly installed heat pump is two to three times more efficient than other alternatives and can provide you with both heating and cooling for today’s cold winters and hot summers. A dual fuel heating system combines a ducted heat pump and a gas or…
Suhas Hassain
FortisBC Dual Fuel Ducted Heat Pump Rebate
Space heating is the largest use of energy in homes. A properly installed dual fuel heating system is more efficient than other alternatives and can provide you with both heating and cooling for today’s cold winters and hot summers. A dual fuel heating system combines a ducted heat pump and a gas or propane furnace…
Suhas Hassain
PNG Dual Fuel Ducted Heat Pump Rebate
Pacific Northern Gas (PNG) is offering a $2,500 top-up rebate to CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program or Better Homes Energy Savings Program participants. There is an additional rebate of $1,000 available to customers who replace their furnace with an ENERGY STAR® natural gas furnace as a part of their heat pump installation. A dual fuel ducted…
Energy Savings Program Dual Fuel Ducted Heat Pump Rebates
Space heating is the largest use of energy in homes. A properly installed dual fuel heating system is more efficient than other alternatives and can provide you with both heating and cooling for today’s cold winters and hot summers. A dual fuel ducted heat pump combines a heat pump and a gas or propane furnace…
Suhas Hassain