Program & Application FAQs by Category


I am a tenant and do not own my home, am I eligible?

Yes, if you meet the eligibility criteria you can still participate in the CleanBC Energy Savings Program as a tenant. Your landlord will need to complete and sign the Landlord Consent Form. Upload a copy of the signed form when you pre-register.

What is an eligibility code?

An eligibility code is a unique identifier assigned to each participant once they have been confirmed as eligible for the CleanBC Energy Savings Program. Please ensure you provide your contractor with your eligibility code, as they will use it to verify your eligibility and apply for CleanBC Energy Savings Program rebates.

I’m not ready to pre-register, but would like support to determine if I may be eligible. Is this available?

Yes. Use the five-question online pre-screening tool to determine if you may be eligible for the CleanBC Energy Savings Program, or contact the program at 1-833-856-0333 or for assistance. However, please note that eligibility can only be confirmed by completing pre-registration. Participants that have been confirmed as eligible will receive an eligibility code.

Where can I find my eligibility code?

Participants must pre-register for the CleanBC Energy Savings Program. Following pre-registration, eligible participants will receive an eligibility code. It can be found in your Opportunities Report or within the Opportunities section of the participant portal.

How long is an eligibility code valid for?

An eligibility code in the CleanBC Energy Savings Program is valid for 12 months (one year) or until funding is fully allocated or the program ends. Funding is subject to availability and is allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Why am I required to provide income qualifying documentation?

The CleanBC Energy Savings Program offers enhanced rebates to make energy-saving home upgrades more affordable and aims to serve households experiencing energy poverty. To receive enhanced rebates through the program, participants must demonstrate that they meet the income qualifying criteria by submitting appropriate supporting documentation. Participants that do not meet the income qualifying criteria may be eligible to participate in the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program.

I am not comfortable providing income qualifying documentation, can I still participate in the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program?

We understand that sharing your income qualifying documentation can be uncomfortable. However, we need to collect this documentation to confirm your eligibility for the program.

Income qualifying documentation must be submitted for each member of your household that is over the age of 18 (excluding dependents). Types of income qualifying documentation we accept include:

  • Notice of Assessment (NOA) from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). To get your NOA, please contact the CRA at 1-800-959-8281. Ensure that all information on the NOA is redacted except for your name, effective date, and line 150.
  • Verification of income or disability assistance, e.g. your monthly report (cheque stub) or a printed copy of your Confirmation of Assistance if you’re registered for My Self Serve.
  • A Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) cheque stub, acknowledgement letter or benefit change letter from BC Housing.
  • A Rental Assistance Program acknowledgment letter or benefit change letter from BC Housing.
  • Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) notice.
  • Bank statement for 3 months, with all information except name and pay deposits redacted or 3 recent paystubs with all information except name and payment amounts redacted.
  • Proof of participation or eligibility in the Energy Conservation Assistance Program (ECAP), including eligibility confirmation letters or emails, approval letters or emails or other ECAP documentation that demonstrates proof of participation or eligibility.
  • An Endorsement Form completed by a professional or organization with knowledge of a participant’s financial situation, where they can attest to their income meeting the program criteria.
  • Proof of participation or eligibility in a program that has income qualifying criteria aligned with the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program. Contact us at 1-833-856-0333 or for further guidance if this applies to you.

I live in an apartment, stacked townhouse or condo building, am I eligible?

Unfortunately, you do not qualify, as multi-unit residential buildings are not an eligible housing type under the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program. For more information on CleanBC programs for multi-unit residential buildings, visit

To be eligible for the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program if each unit is individually metered and has:

  • its own individual entrance on an exterior wall (e.g. each unit has its own front door);
  • no shared hallways or elevator;
  • two or more exterior walls;
  • one private outdoor space (front, side, rear or rooftop); and
  • the building is no more than three stories above finished grade and less than 600 m2 in area

If you are unsure if your home is an eligible building type, contact us at 1-833-856-0333 or

Available Rebates

How much of my project cost will the rebate cover?

This will depend on the eligible Income Level that you fall under. If you are eligible for Income Level 1 funding you will receive a discount up to 95% of your project with a maximum that is specific to each upgrade type. If you are eligible for Income Level 2 funding you will receive a discount up to 60% of your project with a maximum that is specific to each upgrade type. If you have received quotes from Registered Contractors and have questions about the calculation, please feel free to call us at 1-833-856-0333 or email us at

Who are program rebates paid to through the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program? 

Program rebates are paid to contractors. After installing an upgrade in your home, your contractor will apply for program rebates directly and deduct the rebate from the total amount owed on your invoice. You will only have to pay the discounted amount.

How to Participate

How do I get started?

Once you have been confirmed eligible and been assigned an eligibility code, you can use the Contractor Search Tool on the Better Homes Website to find a Registered Contractor.

Where can I find a Registered Contractor in my area, and what should I know before hiring them?

You can find Registered Contractors through the Contractor Search Tool on the Better Homes Website.

When hiring a contractor, it’s important that you are choosing them for the quality of their work and for their training and credentials rather than solely on price. There are a variety of consequences to hiring someone that is going to do a poor job installing your equipment. We recommend calling around to different installers in your area to ensure that they can meet your time frame, the scope of the project, and are well qualified for the job.

Before you hire a contractor, clearly establish the scale of the project and a clear budget to work within. Write a complete description of the work you want done on your home. By doing so you will understand the scope of your project and you can find a contractor that will be the most suitable for the job. This detailed description should be given to potential contractors when you ask for a bid or proposal for your project.

Go through a proper screening process before hiring a contractor:

 For tips on hiring a contractor, visit the Canadian Home Builders’ Association. FortisBC also has some helpful tips on hiring a contractor.

*Disclaimer: The directories and resources listed on this page are for informational purposes only. CleanBC Better Homes and its partners do not endorse or guarantee contractors or their services. It is your responsibility to interview and select a contractor that meets your needs.

Did you see a building science or energy efficiency term you did not understand? Check out our glossary.

Do I have to work with a Registered Contractor?

The use of a Registered Contractor is required in order to have a rebate applied to your home upgrade. Registered Contractors have completed program and technology specific best practice training.

How soon can I expect the equipment to be installed?

Equipment installation time periods are specific to each contractor. Please discuss this with your prospective contractors.

Contractor FAQs

Can my customer receive more than one rebate from different programs/incentives available?

Your customer can only receive one rebate per upgrade type from the CleanBC Better Homes suite of programs. Your customer can receive rebate funding from the Canada Greener Homes Grant. However, the total of all rebates cannot exceed the invoice total.

My participant heats with electricity, are they eligible to participate in this Program?

Yes, they are eligible for all of the program upgrades. However, since heat pump upgrade maximum rebate values are determined by the original primary heat source, they are only eligible for the electric-to-electric conversions with a maximum rebate of $5,000. In comparison, if your participant were to heat with natural gas and switch to an electric air source heat pump, they would be eligible for a maximum rebate of up to $9,500.

Where can I find the eligibility code?

Once a participant’s eligibility is confirmed, they will be given an eligibility code in an Opportunities Report and have it available under their Opportunities page in the participant portal. When working with a homeowner contractors will need to ask the participant for their eligibility code when completing their quote or invoice.

How do participants with eligibility codes know where to find me?

Once participants have been assigned an eligibility code, they will receive instructions on how to find a contractor, this will include referring participants to the Contractor Search Tool on the Better Homes website or instructing them on how to reach out to us for a list of contractors.

What materials are available to help me promote this program?

Once you are signed up as a Registered Contractor, you will be able to download the Program Brochure and Heat Pump, Fenestration and Insulation specific cut sheets.

Is there any marketing that can help me understand what rebate to apply?

Program cut sheets outline the percentage of rebates available for each income level group, and the maximum for each Upgrade Category. If you have any questions on if a rebate is being applied correctly, please feel free to call us at 1-833-856-0333 or email us at and we are happy to help.

How do I get my heat pump added to the qualified product list?

Program eligible heat pumps that meet HSPF and SEER requirements can be reviewed for addition to the list. Please email those details to

To have an air-to-water heat pump reviewed for addition to the air-to-water qualified product list, please contact

What is a retrofit enabling measure?

Retrofit enabling measures are measures that support the installation of a heat pump, heat pump water heater, insulation, or windows and doors. There are three types of retrofit enabling measures that are available in the Energy Savings Program:

  • Electrical service upgrade – Up to $3,500 – In the installation of heat pumps, an electrical service upgrade is commonly needed. This rebate is to help households with the financial burden, and to make the switch to heat pumps easier.
  • Health and safety – Up to $800 – This can be used to remediate pests, mold, asbestos/vermiculite and structural issues found when installing a primary program measure.
  • Ventilation – Up to $1,600 – This can be leveraged to install bathroom fans or heat recovery ventilation systems in an area where a heat pump, heat pump water heater, insulation, or windows and doors were installed.

What do I have to include on my customer’s invoice in order to get my rebate application approved?

Invoices must meet these requirements:

  • All service invoices/receipts must indicate details of the work performed and the address where the work was performed.
  • The contractor’s company name, contact information (phone and/or email), address and GST number must be on the invoices.
  • All product purchase invoices/receipts must have the product’s brand, model number, and purchase date.
  • Window invoices must indicate manufacturer model code/number, NRCan reference number or a certified products directory (CPD) number, and must be certified through one of the following certification bodies:
    • Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
    • Intertek Canada (Intertek)
    • Labtest Certification (LC)
    • QAI Laboratories (QAI)
    • National Fenestration Ratings Council (NFRC)
  • All copies of invoices and documentation must be clear and legible.
  • The Energy Savings Program Rebate must be clearly listed on the invoice and the total the customer pays must not include the project cost covered by the rebate.

For detailed documentation requirements by energy upgrade, see this FAQ for sample invoices that show what the contractor should include.

Why do I have to list the rebate on the participant’s invoice?

This is a program requirement to ensure that the proper rebate is being applied and subsequently reimbursed back to you. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us at 1-833-856-0333 or email us at

What is included in “project cost”?

All costs related to installing the upgraded measure. This includes equipment and labour costs.

How long will it take to receive a rebate payment?

This will depend on the payment method that you select when you create your account. If you selected Electronic Funds Transfer you will receive your funds in 3-5 business days after the rebate application has been approved. If you selected cheque it may take up to 15 days for you to receive your cheque in the mail.

What happens if an issue is found with the installation of my measure?

Once you have submitted your rebate application, a small percentage will then be flagged for an onsite or virtual site visit. The site visit will be arranged in coordination with the homeowner. Once a site visit has been complete, if an issue is found with the installation of the measure, we will notify you through email so that you may go back and remediate the issues. Once completed we will conduct a follow up site visit to confirm the issues have been resolved.

What happens if my rebate application is denied or is ineligible?

A Program rebate application submitted with a Program-ineligible upgrade and/or  for failure to rectify an issue identified during site verification will result in a written warning to the Contractor from the Province. On the second occurrence, a final written warning will be issued. On the third occurrence, the Province may suspend or terminate the Contractor’s participation in the Program.