Energy Save New West EnerGuide Home Evaluation Discount
As a part of the Energy Save New West Program, you can receive a free pre-construction energy evaluation for your eligible new home construction if you live within the City of New Westminster.
FortisBC Heat Pump Service
The FortisBC Heat Pump Service Program provides a $50 rebate for having your heat pump serviced. Learn more about heat pumps.
Township of Langley Green Building Renovation Rebates
As a part of the Township of Langley’s Green Building Rebate Program, you can receive rebates for improving the energy efficiency of your home and completing the required pre- and post-upgrade home energy evaluations. The program also offers rebates for completing a post-upgrade EnerGuide home evaluation.
Whistler Residential Energy Rebate Program
Through Whistler’s Retrofit Assist Program, you can receive a $250 rebate for completing a pre-upgrade EnerGuide home evaluation. Additionally, you can receive a $125 rebate for completing a post-upgrade EnerGuide home evaluation. The Retrofit Assist Program also provides free guidance for your home energy upgrades.