There are currently no individual rebates for draftproofing (air sealing). However, draftproofing can reduce energy use in your home and increase the rebate amount of the Home Energy Improvement Bonus.
The Home Energy Improvement Bonus requires that you complete a minimum of 3 eligible upgrades between a pre- and post-upgrade EnerGuide home evaluation. The rebate amount is calculated based on the percentage reduction in your EnerGuide rating, measured in gigajoules per year (GJ/year). $20 is provided for every percent reduction in your EnerGuide rating.
Draftproofing leads to a more airtight building envelope which means a more energy efficient home and a decrease in your post-upgrade EnerGuide rating. Remember – the lower your EnerGuide rating the more efficient your home!
How much draftproofing may contribute to your Home Energy Improvement Bonus amount is highly variable and depends on how drafty your home was prior to draftproofing and on the quality of installation of the upgrades that are undertaken in your home. It is important to note that well-installed windows, doors, insulation and other upgrades can contribute to making your home less drafty and will provide you with a higher Home Energy Improvement Bonus rebate amount.
To get started: Schedule a pre-upgrade EnerGuide home evaluation with a program-qualified energy advisor. The energy advisor will provide you with a list of draftproofing opportunities and identify the potential for improving your home’s energy efficiency, reducing your EnerGuide rating and accessing the bonus rebate.