I am converting my wood or solid fuel heating system to an air source heat pump. Can I also access the Heat Pump Group Purchase Rebate?
No, customers converting their wood or solid fuel heating systems to an air source heat pump are not eligible to access the Heat Pump Group Purchase Rebate. The Heat Pump Group Purchase Rebate is an additional offer that is only available to groups of homeowners who are switching from an oil, natural gas, or propane…
I am converting my wood or solid fuel heating system to an air source heat pump. Can I also access the Two Upgrade Bonus?
Yes, customers who receive an air source heat pump (converting from wood) rebate can access the Two Upgrade Bonus, provided that they install one additional bonus-eligible home energy upgrade. Use the rebate search tool to learn about other energy efficiency upgrade rebates you may be eligible for. For more information on the Two Upgrade Bonus,…
I am converting my wood or solid fuel heating system to an air source heat pump. Can I also access the Home Energy Improvement Bonus?
No, customers who have a wood or solid fuel primary heating system can only access two bonus-eligible rebates – the air source heat pump (convert from wood) and water heater rebates. As a result, these customers are not eligible for the Home Energy Improvement Bonus, which is provided to homeowners that complete EnerGuide Rating System…
Can I receive a heat pump rebate from CleanBC if I am also participating in the Provincial Wood Stove Exchange Program?
Yes, customers participating in the Provincial Wood Stove Exchange Program are also eligible to receive CleanBC heat pump rebates, provided that they meet the Program Requirements [220KB PDF] and Additional Terms and Conditions [90.3KB PDF].
How do I know if my home is substantially reconstructed?
Effective April 01, 2020, the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program (Program) considers “substantially reconstructed” homes as new construction projects and therefore not eligible for the Program’s renovation rebates. This is in alignment with the Homeowner Protection Act’s definition of a new home and BC Housing’s definition of “substantially reconstructed”. Under the Homeowner…
Am I eligible for a heat pump rebate if it is combined with a natural gas or propane backup?
Yes. Homeowners are eligible for a central air source heat pump rebate if it is integrated with an existing natural gas or propane furnace according to the rebate eligibility requirements for a Dual-fuel Central Heat Pump Rebate.
Can I submit a bulk application for multiple homes in a large renovation project?
Applications can be made in bulk but the process is slightly different than for a single application. Bulk applications are a good option for projects that are being completed on multiple homes, such as in townhouse or duplex complexes. Upgrade Eligibility Bulk Application Information Submitting a Bulk Application
What do the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Programs define as my Primary Heating System?
The CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program Requirements [220KB PDF] and Additional Terms and Conditions [90.3KB PDF] include primary heating systems as one of the determining factors for eligibility. To participate in the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Programs, the home must be heated by a primary heating system that uses an eligible…
I am not in an eligible home, are there any rebates I can access?
If the home you are upgrading or have upgraded is not eligible for the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program but is heated primarily by FortisBC natural gas that is billed at a residential rate, you may be eligible to receive rebates directly through FortisBC. If the building you are upgrading is a…
What is my climate zone?
To identify which climate zone your home is in, reference the city listing or map of BC’s climate zones below. If you are not able to determine your zone please email betterhomesbc@gov.bc.ca for additional support.