How long is an eligibility code valid for?
An eligibility code in the CleanBC Energy Savings Program is valid for 6 months or until funding is fully allocated or the program ends. Funding is subject to availability and is allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Where can I find my eligibility code?
Participants must pre-register for the CleanBC Energy Savings Program. Following pre-registration, eligible participants will receive an eligibility code. It can be found in your Opportunities Report or within the Opportunities section of the participant portal.
I’m not ready to pre-register, but would like support to determine if I may be eligible. Is this available?
Yes. Use the five-question online pre-screening tool to determine if you may be eligible for the CleanBC Energy Savings Program, or contact the program at 1-833-856-0333 or IncomeQualified@betterhomesbc.ca for assistance. However, please note that eligibility can only be confirmed by completing pre-registration. Participants that have been confirmed as eligible will receive an eligibility code.
Who are program rebates paid to through the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program?
Program rebates are paid to contractors. After installing an upgrade in your home, your contractor will apply for program rebates directly and deduct the rebate from the total amount owed on your invoice. You will only have to pay the discounted amount.
How soon can I expect the equipment to be installed?
Equipment installation time periods are specific to each contractor. Please discuss this with your prospective contractors.
Do I have to work with a Registered Contractor?
The use of a Registered Contractor is required in order to have a rebate applied to your home upgrade. Registered Contractors have completed program and technology specific best practice training.
How do I get started?
Once you have been confirmed eligible and been assigned an eligibility code, you can use the Contractor Search Tool on the Better Homes Website to find a Registered Contractor.
Where can I find a Registered Contractor in my area, and what should I know before hiring them?
You can find Registered Contractors through the Contractor Search Tool on the Better Homes Website. When hiring a contractor, it’s important that you are choosing them for the quality of their work and for their training and credentials rather than solely on price. There are a variety of consequences to hiring someone that is going…
Can my customer receive more than one rebate from different programs/incentives available?
Your customer can only receive one rebate per upgrade type from the CleanBC Better Homes suite of programs. Your customer can receive rebate funding from the Canada Greener Homes Grant. However, the total of all rebates cannot exceed the invoice total.
My participant heats with electricity, are they eligible to participate in this Program?
Yes, they are eligible for all of the program upgrades. However, since heat pump upgrade maximum rebate values are determined by the original primary heat source, they are only eligible for the electric-to-electric conversions with a maximum rebate of $5,000. In comparison, if your participant were to heat with natural gas and switch to an…