• What are the permit requirements in the City of Vancouver?

    If you are located in the City of Vancouver (COV) and you are planning renovations in your home you might need a renovation permit to be in compliance with the Vancouver Building Bylaw. When applying for a renovation permit and the value of the renovation is more than $20,000, you’re required to have an EnerGuide…

  • What can I do if there are no Energy Advisors currently servicing my location?

    Try to connect with an Energy Advisor nearest to your city/town and ask if they’re willing to visit your location to conduct an energy evaluation. In addition, there are a number of energy upgrades and rebates available that do not require an energy evaluation: Did you see a building science or energy efficiency term you did…

  • Benefits of the EnerGuide Rating Service for REALTORS®

    As interest in energy efficiency upgrades increases, there is an increased demand for REALTORS® to have an understanding of the value of the EnerGuide rating system. This is an opportunity for real estate agents to build their brand and differentiate themselves amongst REALTORS. Understanding the energy efficient features of a home elevates conversations with prospective…

  • I’m interested in solar energy. How do I find out if it’s a good option for me?

    Solar energy is an affordable alternative energy source that can be used to help heat and power your home or business. The active solar technology becoming more common is Solar Photovoltaic (Solar PV). Solar PV systems use solar cells to convert sunlight directly into electricity. Solar PV systems are comprised of solar panels, inverters, breakers…

  • Should I get an EnerGuide label if I’m thinking of selling my home?

    If you’re thinking of selling your home, it might be the perfect time to get an EnerGuide evaluation. Home sellers pro-actively obtain EnerGuide ratings for their homes and display the rating online. If you reside in Metro Vancouver, you can post your label on Metro Vancouver’s RateOurHome.ca website and link it directly to your property…

  • Are there rebates for LED lights?

    Instant in-store rebates for LED lighting are offered seasonally to BC Hydro and FortisBC customers. Use our rebate search tool and selecting ‘Lighting’ to see if these rebates are currently available. Income-qualified households may be able to access LED lights and bulbs through the following free programs offered by FortisBC and BC Hydro: The Energy…

  • Can I receive a rebate if I already installed the upgrade?

    The deadlines and eligibility criteria vary across the different rebate programs, so it is important to check the details for the specific program and upgrade(s) you are pursuing. Use the rebate search tool to find rebate programs for the energy upgrades that you have completed, and check if you meet the application deadlines. Along with…

  • Does foil insulation count towards the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program?

    The CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program terms and conditions state that batts, loose fill, board and spray foam are eligible insulation types. Only products with Canadian R-values provided by the manufacturer are accepted. “System values” or values of materials not tested to Canadian national thermal insulation standards cannot be used for determining the…

  • I have a heat pump but my hydro bills are still very high

    If you heat your home with a heat pump, but are experiencing higher than expected energy bills check out the solutions below. First read the FAQ, Why are my energy bills so high? as your hydro bill may be high for reasons unrelated to your heat pump If you feel that you aren’t benefiting from the…

  • I live in an apartment/condo and would like to do some energy efficiency upgrades. Are there any rebates available to me?

    As a resident in an apartment or condo, there are a few different rebate offers you can consider. If you live in an income-qualifying household you can apply for a Free Energy Saving Kit from BC Hydro, FortisBC, or Pacific Northern Gas. If you purchase and install eligible ENERGY STAR® appliances, you may be eligible for appliance rebates…