How can I convert an imperial U-factor to a metric U-factor?
U-factor can be expressed in metric units (W/m2·K) or imperial inch-pound units (Btu/h·ft2·F). To convert imperial u-factors to metric u-factors, multiply by 5.678. Example: My contractor has given me a quote for five new windows that I would like to replace. My contractor says they have a U-factor in imperial units (Btu/h·ft2·F) of 0.21 and…
Why does the rebate only apply to windows that are ENERGY STAR® Certified with a maximum U-factor of 1.22 (W/m2·K)?
The window and door rebate is designed to assist with the additional cost of investment in highly energy efficient windows. ENERGY STAR certification with an U-factor < 1.22 (W/m2·K) is an industry benchmark for above average window performance, as well as Provincial and Federal policies on energy efficient equipment in the building sector.
Why is a variable speed compressor required for many heat pump rebates?
A variable speed compressor is an inverter driven compressor that can adjust its operating speed to match a home’s heat demand. Compared to conventional systems, variable speed systems have higher customer satisfaction rates, increased energy savings and less impact on the electrical grid. For these reasons, a variable speed compressor is required for mini-split, multi-split,…