City of Duncan Electrical Service Upgrade Top-Up
The City of Duncan is offering a $500 top-up to CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program participants for upgrading your electrical service to 100, 200 or 400 amp service and switching from a fossil fuel (oil, natural gas, or propane) space or water heating system to an electric air-source heat-pump or heat pump…
City of Duncan Heat Pump Top-Up
The City of Duncan is offering a $350 top-up to CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program participants that switch from a fossil fuel (oil, natural gas, or propane) heating system to an electric air source heat pump. This municipal offer is in addition to the heat pump rebates currently available through the CleanBC…
What types of wood or solid fuel heating systems are eligible to be replaced with heat pumps?
A wood or pellet stove, insert, or furnace may be replaced with a Central Ducted or Mini-Split heat pump.
I am installing a heat pump and keeping my wood stove for back up heating. What level of WETT inspection report do I need to submit?
Customers keeping their wood or solid fuel heating system in safe and working order may submit a level 1, 2, or 3 WETT inspection report, based on the recommendation from your WETT-certified professional. The inspection report must be dated within the 12 month period before or 6 month period following the date of the heat…
Why do I need to submit a WETT inspection report if I want to keep my wood stove when I install a heat pump?
Your wood stove must be in safe and working order. A WETT inspection report identifies whether an installation meets or does not meet manufacturer’s installation instructions and appropriate codes. The installation will either be compliant with relevant building and installation codes – and eligible for an air source heat pump (convert from wood) rebate –…
Where can I find a WETT-certified professional?
Find a WETT-certified professional at www.wettinc.ca or by calling the WETT National office at 1-888-358-9388.
I am installing a heat pump and removing my old wood stove, what components need to be removed?
The wood stove must be removed. Contact a wood stove installation or service specialist in your area for guidance on how to safely remove and recycle your wood stove.
What type of photos are required to demonstrate that my wood stove has been removed?
Before and after photos indicating that the wood stove has been removed from the home are required.
I am converting my wood or solid fuel heating system to an air source heat pump. Can I also access the Heat Pump Group Purchase Rebate?
No, customers converting their wood or solid fuel heating systems to an air source heat pump are not eligible to access the Heat Pump Group Purchase Rebate. The Heat Pump Group Purchase Rebate is an additional offer that is only available to groups of homeowners who are switching from an oil, natural gas, or propane…
I am converting my wood or solid fuel heating system to an air source heat pump. Can I also access the Two Upgrade Bonus?
Yes, customers who receive an air source heat pump (converting from wood) rebate can access the Two Upgrade Bonus, provided that they install one additional bonus-eligible home energy upgrade. Use the rebate search tool to learn about other energy efficiency upgrade rebates you may be eligible for. For more information on the Two Upgrade Bonus,…